Zama American Middle and High School
Classes of 1958 - 2024
In Memory
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Zama American Middle and High School
Classes of 1958 - 2024
Powered by Class Creator
Yvonne Heinricks (Alexander) (1964)
Maury was one of the kindest, self-efacing people I have ever known. I cherish my memories of her. She was so fortunate to have so many loving friends who cared for her with great warmth.
Yvonne Heinricks Alexander, class of 1964
George Mosier (1971)
Maury -
I'll definitely miss our chats. Thanks for being such a great friend!
Ann Cuccia (Flanders) (1966)
I liked Maury Ellis. She was one of my friends at Zama High School.
Here I sit - reading the 1962 Zenith - I'm looking at her picture and remembering what an awesome person she was.
Blessings and prayers for you Maury. You enriched many people's lives.