Zama American Middle and High School
Classes of 1958 - 2024

In Memory
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Zama American Middle and High School
Classes of 1958 - 2024
Powered by Class Creator
Yvonne Heinricks (Alexander) (1964)
Mr. Snodgrass was my English teacher one year, but more important, the sponsor of the newspaper. He taught me a lot about writing. I later reconnected with him and we corresponded in the days before the internet. He had developed a great love of Japan and its culture and history. He was a sensitive man and I hope he enjoyed his 80 years on this earth.
Yvonne Heinricks Alexander, class of 1964
Dan Hino (1968)
He made a huge impression on me. He was a very different teacher from the rest. I use his name to this day as a part of many of my various online passwords. He caused his students to question things beyond how you are told to