In Memory

Bernard N. Traven

Bernard "Bernie" Traven passed away on November 8, 2004.  He was 75 years of age and a resident of Naples, Florida.

Mr. Traven first was a faculty member at Zama High and later on taught at Zama Middle School.

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02/17/15 11:20 AM #1    

Judie Sherwood (Fogle) (1971)

   Mr Traven taught me 7th or 8th grade English in 1966 or 1967.  He was a great teacher!  I loved to read and diagram sentences, so we had a bond.  I remember doing book reports for him, and I remember specific words he taught me.  Due to his influence I have always loved English and did consider becoming a teacher.  I did not, but my love for words helped me immeasurably in my medical career.

   I remember his letting me take a group of ESL students into a nearby room and help them with fundamentals.  English is not easy, but I spoke it every day.  It was easy for me!  It was fun helping them, too!

   I was young and did not even realize teachers had first names because of my respect for them, but upon seeing this I am not surprised he had the same first name as my dad.  I am not surprised at all.

    Rest in Peace, Mr Traven


    Judie Sherwood Fogle





12/21/18 10:54 PM #2    

Fred Esch (1969)

Mr. Traven was my middle school English teacher in 7th and 8th grade.  As "half" kid (half Japanese and half American) whose first language was Japanese, English writing and comprehension was not a strong skill set for me until I had Mr. Traven as a teacher.  He "turned" me onto great writers, like Voltaire, Camus, Huxley and others.  I learned the proper way to write English and to express my thoughts concisely and clearly from Mr. Traven.  He taught me to enjoy literature and writing.  I attribute my success in academics in HS to Mr. Traven.  He really made a difference to me.  He and Mr. Fukuwa (later in HS, math and physics) were the two most influential teachers I had that enabled me to succeed at Purdue University after ZHS graduation.

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